Course curriculum

  • 2

    Create Your Workshop

    • Create Your Workshop

  • 4

    Connection to Self

    • Learning to Nurture Self

  • 5

    Make Mistakes

    • Make mistakes

  • 6

    Intimacy with self

    • Fall in love with the Miracle you are

  • 7

    Connection to Body

    • Connect your mind and body with breath

  • 8

    The Universe

    • The Universe has your back!

  • 9


    • You have the answers within...

  • 10


    • Rise Up and see the miracles!

  • 11

    Embrace Emotions

    • Emotions are the gate keeper to growth

  • 12

    Visualize your Boundaries

    • Boundaries are Self Care

  • 13


    • Start with forgiving you

  • 14

    Healing Childhood Wounds

    • Developmental Healing

  • 15

    The Rebel

    • Healing the Rebel

  • 16

    Empowered Self

    • Being in a state of flow is empowering!

  • 17


    • PAST

  • 18


    • Create your future without limits

  • 19


    • Learn how to be in the present moment

  • 20

    Letting go of the bully

    • Who is the bully?

  • 21

    Healing from within

    • Belief Systems

  • 22

    Past Life Stories

    • Hypnosis

  • 23

    Soul Mate vs. Life Partner

    • Reevaluating what is "Love"

  • 24

    Slaying Internal Demons

    • Slaying Demons

  • 25

    Manifestation with Intention

    • Manifesting

  • 26

    Healing Financial Beliefs

    • Clean Up Your Finances

  • 27

    Faith in Your Journey

    • Faith in Your Journey

  • 28

    Blowing the Ceiling Off Your Potential

    • Be limitless in your creativity

  • 29

    Believing you are Enough

    • Stop the Cycle of Perfectionism!

  • 30

    Worth and spirit

    • Worth is inherent

  • 31

    Magic and Miracles are not just for kids

    • Witness with Wonder

  • 32

    Self Compassion in Practice

    • Practice Compassion

  • 33

    Daily Grace

    • Add Grace

  • 34

    Be the Light

    • Lighting Up the Room

  • 35

    Transforming Fear to Love

    • Moving out of fear and into love

  • 36

    Take Zero S***

    • Demand Respect

  • 37

    Do not settle ever

    • Rise Up and Shine

  • 38

    Be the master of your own fate

    • Power of Choice

  • 39

    Dream Bigger

    • Dream for the Universe

  • 40

    Be of Service

    • Being of Service

  • 41

    Living a life with integrity

    • Live with Integrity

  • 42

    Be a mentor and a student for life

    • Teacher and Student
